
Showing posts from November, 2018
Wadankii la dhihi jiray somalia  (jumlad iga yaabisay). waqti waqtiyada kamid ah anigoo akhrinaya bug kamid ah buugaagta afka soomaaliga  ku qoran ayaan ku arkay jumlad aan aad ula yaabay oo aan fahmi waayey waxa qoruhu uu ugala jeeday ,waxay noqotay arin maalmo badan aan maankayga ka go’in inaan su’aalo badan iska weydiiyana ay igu dhalisay. Su’aalahaan isweydiiyey ayaa waxaa kamid ahaa anigoo ku sugnaa magaalada madaxda dalkeena soomaaliya ee Muqdishu, “hada xagee joogtaa?, ma dal aan soomaaliya ahayn ayaad ku nooshahay oo dalkaad ku nooshahayse maxaa la yiraahdaa? Dadkuse miyeysan dadkaagi ahayn oo soomaaliba maaha miyaa? Wuxuu doonaba qoruhu ha uga jeedee,su’aalaha ka sokow waxaa ii soo baxday bal inaan si dhab ah ufaaqido jumlada ah (wadankii la dhihi jiray Soomaaliya) anigoo isaga tagay a ujeedka aanan fahmin ee qoruhu watay. Waxaan aad uga fakaray anigoo ku dabaqaya jumladaas aan kor ku sheegay xaalada dalkeenu ku jiro waa haatane iyo nidaamya...

Maytka Mediteranean-ka iyo macaashka yurub ayamaa mudan?

Maytka Mediteranean-ka iyo macaashka Yurub ayamaa Mudan? Bur-burkii dawladnimo ee Libya markuu daaqada ka baxay ee nabadii liibiyaanku haysteen noqotay mid wax layska weydiiyo oo xididada loo siibay xukunkii kalagii-taliska ahaaye  ee Mucamar al-Qadafi ayaa waxaa aad usoo badanayey qaxootiga bilaa sharciga ahee uhanqaltaagaya inay bada halista ah ee mediteranian-ka intay ka gudbaan qaarada yurub utalaabaan. Maleeshiyaatka la wareegay xukunka dalka Libya ayaa mid weliba rabitaankiisa gaarka ah siduu rabo u fuliyaa, hubkii ay dawladu lahaydna iyagaa la wareegay. Qaar kamid ah maleeshiyaatkaas aadka uhubaysan ayaa bilaabay ka ganacsiga dadka tahriib doonayaasha ah iyagoo lacago aad ubadan ka sameeya welibana fududeeyey tahriibkii dhibka iyo shidadii markii hore laga mari jiray(Waa markay dawlada ka jirtee). Mogadishu oo ah caasimada Somalia ayaa waxaa aad ugu soo badanaya mudooyinkan dadka tahriib doonayaasha ah qaasatan dhalinta oo hayaan aan ujeed fog ku dhisna...

Agribusiness in Somalia.

Agribusiness in Somalia. After decades of civil war and the collapse of the central government in 1991, Somalis and international supporters have renewed efforts – and made progress – since 2012 in re-establishing state structures and bringing stability to the country. The African Union and the United Nations, with U.S. assistance, support the Federal Government of Somalia in restoring institutions. Improving security and peace building continue to be first-order priorities. At the same time, consensus must be reached about the composition, boundaries, and powers of Somalia’s constituent states. Somalia has been without functioning state since 1991 and all the economic infrastructures were completely demolished, private sectors specially businesses were vital economic source for Somali people, although there weren’t strong business strategies but Somali traders had been importing and exporting during the past decade of chaos also large % of foreign currency earnings of dir...

Fall Armyworm Updates in Somalia

Fall Armyworm Updates in Somalia An Overview. Fall Armyworm (Spodoptera frugiperda), FAW, is an insect native to tropical and subtropical regions of the Americas. Its larval stage (photo) feeds on more than 80 plant species, including maize, rice, sorghum, millet, sugarcane, vegetable crops and cotton. FAW can cause significant yield losses if not well managed. It can have a number of generations per year and the moth can fly up to 100 km per night. FAW is a dangerous transboundary pest with a high potential of continuing to spread due to its natural distribution capacity and trade. Farmers will need great support to sustainably manage FAW in their cropping systems through Integrated Pest Management. Fall Armyworm in Africa. FAW was first detected in Central and Western Africa in early 2016 (Benin, Nigeria, Sao Tome and Principe, and Togo) and in whole of mainland Southern Africa (except Lesotho and the Island States), in Cabo Verde, Cameroon, Ghana, Niger and Et...

Somali Youth in Agribusiness

Somali Youth in Agribusiness Somali Youth in Agribusiness. Youth in Agribusiness. African countries have the youngest population in the world and the largest share of the world’s available arable land and each year 10-12 million of its young people seek to enter the continent’s workforce, too many without success. This highlights the great challenge of youth unemployment but can also be seen as an opportunity for them to become the engine driving new agriculture and agribusiness enterprises as well as rural transformation. About 65% of the total population of Africa is below the age of 35 years and this is very significant for the development of the continent’s resources exploitation. The future of the continent is in the hands of the youth. They are one of the greatest assets and an inevitable force for improving the productivity and growth of all sectors of Africa’s economy. In the urban and rural areas of Africa, young people are in the majority. They are dynamic,...